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Basic tajweed Rules of the Quran: Learn Tajweed Fast and Easy

Learning Tajweed Quran is essential because it helps to improve the pronunciation of words. If we learn the Tajweed rules of the Quran accurately, it makes our path easier towards reading the Quran in the way we are supposed to. It helps us memorize the Quranic verses, recite them, and generally read them.

In this article, we will explain the basic Tajweed rules of the Quran for both kids and adults. To recite Quran correctly and for beautifying recitation, Tajweed is necessary. Also, the Arabic language is vast, so it is essential to read it perfectly to preserve the meaning of the Quran.

Let’s have a look at Tajweed rules with examples!

Quick and Easy Tajweed Rules of the Quran:

There are some basic Tajweed rules of the Holy Quran. Learn Tajweed rules in Urdu by downloading Tajweed rules in Urdu pdf.

All Makharaj and their Pronunciation in Tajweed Rules 

Tajweed Makharaj in Tajweed Rules of the Quran


1- Haa (ه,هـ) and Hamza (ء) articulated from the deepest part of the throat. Hamza has a slight jerk.

2- Ayn (ع) and Haa (ح) are articulated from the middle of the throat. Ayn has no airflow, but Haa has.

3- Khaa (خ)and Gyan (غ) articulated from the top of their throats.

….. These are Haroof e Halki……

4- Qaaf (ق) articulated from the extreme back of the tongue, touching the upper palate and creating a thick sound in the tonsils area.

5- Kaaf (ك) articulated from the front of Qaaf without touching the upper palate.

…… These are pronounced from the deepest part of the tongue…

6- Jeem (ج), Yaa (ي) , and Sheen (ش) are pronounced when the middle part of the tongue comes in contact with what lies opposite to it from the roof of the mouth.

7- Dhaad (ض) is articulated from one or both sides of the tongue, the molars, and the gum area next to the molars.

8- Laam (ل) is pronounced when the front edge of the tongue touches the back gum of the upper six teeth.

….. These are letters articulating from the sides of the tongue…..

Makharaj In tajweed rules  and articulation poins in tajweed rules of the Quran

9- Tua (ط), Daal (د), and Taa (ت) are pronounced when the tip of the tongue touches the root of the front upper teeth.

10- Zaa (ز) is pronounced when teeth are pressed in a way that produces buzz sound

11- Seen (س) articulated when the tip of the tongue meets with lower teeth, it also produces a whistle

12- Suad (ص) is a thick letter. When the back of the tongue collides with the upper palate.

13- Saa (ث) is pronounced when the tip of the tongue touches the roots of upper frontier teeth.

14- Zua (ظ) is pronounced when the tongue tip touches with pressure to the upper frontier teeth’ roots, and the tongue meets the upper palate.

15- Zhaal (ذ) is pronounced when pressure is put on the middle section of the upper incisor of both jaws.

16- Raa’ (ر) is pronounced when the tip of the slightly rolled tongue, including the back, touches the gums of the upper front teeth.

17- Noon (ن) is pronounced when the tip of the tongue meets the roots of the upper incisors sharing nasal passage.

…. These are letters articulating from the tip of the tongue…

18- Faa (ف) is pronounced when the edge of the upper incisors meets the wet part inside the lower lip.

19- Wow (و) pronounced by the incomplete joining of upper and lower lips

20- Meem (م) articulated by the meeting of dry outer parts of lips. So air is pushed through the nasal passage.

21- Baa (ب) is pronounced by pressing the wet part of lips quickly.”

Learn Makharaj in Tajweed Book

Basic Tajweed Rules in English

Tajweed Rules in Urdu pdf, Tajweed Rules in English, Tajweed Rules of the Quran

Here is some important Arabic grammar that will be applicable o recite Quran with accurate pronunciation. Reciting Quran with Tajweed is obligatory for Muslims because any mistake in pronunciation can change the meaning of the Quran words. We recommend learning all the Tajweed rules of the Quran. Let’s move further for a better understanding of Tajweed Rules with pictures!

1- What is mad-e-Aslee?

That type of madd is performed according to the number of letters. There are three forms:

ا مدہ,  و مدہ,   ی مدہ

2- What is Haroof-e-Halki?

“Those letters which are articulated through the throat called Harroof-e-halki.

There are 6 letters in Tajweed rules with pictures you can see below:







3- What is Haroof-e-Leen?

“Those letters which are pronounced softly Called Haroof e Leen. These are two:

و لین

ی لین

4- What is Gunn’ah –غنہ?

Pronunciation of word with the help of nose in 2 counts.

5- What is (Noon and Meem Tashdeed)?

These are letters of gunnah, as they must be pronounced on the nose.

6- What is Izhaar?

“Izhar means an expression of voice. After noon, Sakinah or tanween Haroof e Halki appears,

e.g., انعمت۔۔۔ Sakinah there is harf e halki.

7- What is Ikhfaa?

Ikhfa in tajweed Rules in Urdu, Tajweed rules of the Quran

Ikhfa means suppression of voice when noon Sakinah or tanween is followed by letters other than that of Haroof e Halki.

e.g. انت

8- What is Idghaam?

Idhgam means to put in..when noon Sakinah or tanween is followed by Haroof e Yarmaloon..we have to merge them.

For example:

من یقول with gunnah

من لدنک  without gunnah

9- What is Iqlaab? 

Iqlab means to change when noon Sakinah or tanween, followed by baa, means that we must change them to meem while performing gunnah.

E.g. انت

10- What is Ikhfa Shafwi & Izhaar Shafwi?

“When meem Sakinah is followed by baa so, meem Sakinah will be pronounced with gunnah, Called Ikhfa Safwi.

When meem Sakinah followed a letter other than that of meem and baa, there will be no gunnah, Called Izhar Shafvi.”

11- What are Qalqalah and its levels?

“Making an echo or vibration at the articulation point of letters called Qalqalah. These are letters that will help you to understand Tajweed Rules in Urdu.






Minor level

When a letter of Qalqalah is in the middle of a word, according to tajweed rules.

Medium Level

When a letter of Qalqalah is at the end of the word without shadd, and must be stopped.

Major level

When a letter of Qalqalah is at the end of a word with Shadd and has to be stopped 

12- Teeth Structures in Tajweed Lessons

Teeth structure in tajweed, Basic tajweed rules of the Quran

“Front two teeth upper… Sinaya Ulliya

Front two teeth lower… Sinaya Sufla

Left 4 (both upper and lower)… Rubayat

Then the next 4(both)… Anyab

Then the next 4 (both)… Zwahik

B th side 12…. Twahin

Last 4… Nawajiz”

13. Articulation Point & Characterization Of Letters?

Basic Tajweed Rules of the Quran, tajweed Makharaj , 5 Main Articulation point for Arabic letters

“Articulation point is where the sounds are made

  • خلق
  • لسان
  • خيشوم
  • شفتان
  • Al-jauf

And there are 5 pairs of characteristics in the Tajweed rules of the Quran

Pair 1

همس، جهر

Pair 2

شدت، رخوت، 

Pair 3 

استعلا، استفال.   

Pair 4                       

اطباق، انفتاح،   

Pair 5                         

اصمات، اذلا .

Pair 6                          


14. What is Madd?

“Madd means to elongate the letter. *MADD E FAR’IE* 

Types of Madd

Types of Madd, in tajweed rules of the Quran

The major type of madd wherein hamzah or sukoon appears after the letter of madd.

 Categories of Madd-e-Farie:

According to the Tajweed Rules of the Quran, there are four categories of Madd-e-Farie:

  1. Madd e Muttasil
  2. Madd e Munfasil
  3. Madd e Lazim
  4. Madd e Aariz


The type of madd e FAR’IE wherein hamzah appears in the same word after the letter of madd.


4 Alifs  


It attains its root from the word فصل, which literally means ‘gap’. In this type of madd e fariee mehal e madd and sabab e madd exist in separate words.


Harf e Madd at the end of the word


Hamzah at the beginning of the word


 2 Alifs / 4 counts


It takes its roots from the word عارض means’ for time being.’


There are two types of Madd-e-AAriz in tajweed rules of the Quran

  1. Madd e Ariz waqfee
  2. Madd e Ariz leen

1- Madd e Ariz waqfi

That type of madd e Ariz that display when waqf occurs.


One Word


That word at the end madda


Sakoon e Ariz


  1. One Alif … Kasar
  2. Two Alif… Tawasut
  3. Three Alif.. Tool.

Note:  tool quantity is most recommended in the Tajweed Rules lesson

Madd e Ariz leen

That type of madd occurs when we stop during qirat.


One word


Same word at the end with harf e leen


Sakoon e Ariz


Same as exist in the prior type of madd, but there is *Quantity of one Alif* 

i.e., Qasar is recommended.”

15. What is Madd-e-Laazim?

The type of madd e fariee in which we have sakoon e Asli that obliged to perform by Allah Almighty called madd e lazim.”

Types of Madd-e-Laazim

Madd-e-laazim in tajweed rules

There are 5 types of Madd-e-laazim according to tajweed rules in Urdu

  1. Madd e lazim harfi mukhafaf
  2. Madd e lazim kalmi mukhafaf
  3. Madd e leen lazim
  4. Madd e lazim harfi musaqal
  5. Madd e lazim kalmi musaqal


The type of madd e lazim performed on Haroof-e-muqtaa’t.

 _Formula in tajweed rules_ 

Haroof e muqtaa’t


Harf e Madda


Sakoon e Asli 

 Reason of being Harfi-mukhafaf

  1. As haroof e muqtaa’t means those letters which have to be pronounced separately
  2. As we separate 6, so all made  ill be performed on separate letters.”

16. What is Haroof-e-Maqta’at?

In Tajweed rules of the Quran, Muqataat is known as Fawatih   (فواتح) or “openers” as they form the opening verse of the respective Surahs.  In simple terms, these Arabic alphabets are referred to as ‘isolated letters of the Quran.’

17. What is Sifaat, Sifaat Istafaal, Sifaat Shiddat,  Sifaat Itbaaq/Inftaah, Sifaat Azlaaq/Asmaat? 


The way of pronouncing and articulating a letter is called its Siffat.

Types of Sifaat In Tajweed:

There are 5 pairs of Siffat;

1- Jahar

( no sound of breathing rather than that recitation sound will be powerful)

 2- Hamus

( Recitation of sound will be weak and breathing still goes on)

3- Shiddat

( As the name implies, this characteristic sound will be so intense and hard that it should be stopped)

 4- Rikhwat 

( In this, the letter’s voice of recitation will be soft, and the sound can be moved on without stopping)

5- Tawasut

( These sorts of letters are pronounced in between of above-mentioned types)

6- Istaa’la

( When one pronounces such letters, his tongue uplift  towards the palate)

 7- Istafal

( In this type, during pronunciation, the tongue doesn’t uplifts).”

19. What is ر کی تفخیم , ر کی ترقیق , ر کی ادائیگی ?

When we are pronouncing the letter Rabe a with Dhamma and Fatha, it will be thicker. While with Kasra, it will be lighter

Raa ki Tafkheem

1- Raa pr fathia 

2- Raa pr dma

3- raa mushadaad pr zabar 

4- ra musha-daad pr paish 

5- raa sakeen maqabal rabar 

6- raa sakeen sy phalay dma 

7- raa sakeen maqabal kasra arzi 

8- raa sakeen maqabal kasra dusaray lafz my 

9- raa sakeen sy phalay kasra or next my haroof mustailia 

10- raa sakeen maqabal sakeen maqabal paish 

11- raa sakeen maqabal sakeen maqabal paish 

12- raa mumala mazmoma

Raa ki Tarkik 

1- raa ky nichy zair 

2- raa mushadaad below zair 

3- raa sakeen maqabal kasra 

4- raa sakeen maqabal sakeen maqabal kasra 

5- raa sakeen maqabal ya sakeen 

6- raa mumala 

7- raa marama maskoora 

What is ر ساکن ماقبل پی , ر ساکن ماقبل کسرہ, – ر ساکن ماقبل ي ساکن ?

1- When Raa’ has fatha on it, it will be pronounced heavily

2- When Raa’ has dhamma on it, it will be pronounced heavily too.

3- When Raa’ Mushadad has dhamma, it will be pronounced more heavily as compared to Raa’Mushadad having fatha.

4- When Raa’Mushadad has Fatha, it will be pronounced heavily but with calmness.

5- Raa’ Sakinah having Zabar before, it will be pronounced heavily, and vibration should be of one count.

6- When Raa’ Sakinah has dhamma before, it will also pronounce heavily.

21. Types Of Idghaam?

Types of Idghaam in tajweed Rules of the Quran

1- Al Idgham As Sagheer

According to tajweed rules, it is the merging of a non-voweled letter into a voweled letter such that you have one emphasized letter of the second kind. 

The ruling of Al Idgham As Sagheer

Wajib: The ruling is wajib in those instances where all the ten Qurra’ agree that there will be an Idgham.

Jai’z: The ruling is jai’z when there is a difference between the Qurra’ regarding the presence of the Idgham. Idgham Al Kamil: The first letter loses its pronunciation and characteristics.

Al Idgham An Naqis: Some of the sifaat of the first letter remain. 

Al Idgham Al Kabeer: When a voweled letter merges into a voweled one, it becomes an emphasized letter of the second kind. This type of Idgham does not exist in Hafs but does exist in the riwayah of Imam Susi from Abu ‘Amr. 

Idgham Al Mutamathilain

The merging of two letters that share the same sifaat and the same Makharaj. The ruling for this Idgham is wajib, as most of the Qurra’ do it. It will not occur between a wow maddiyyah and wow Mutharika or a ya maddiyyah and ya Mutharika.             

Al Idgham Al Mutajanisain

The merging of two letters that share the same makhraj but not the same sifaat. There is a difference of opinion here, with some saying Ja’iz and some saying Wajib. It does not apply to throat letters that share a makhraj.                                        

Al Idgham Al Mutaqaaribain

The merging of two letters that are close to each other in makhraj or sifaat.

Our Vision

As Muslims, It is our responsibility to recite Holy Quran with Tajweed rules. The purpose of writing this article is to organize all Tajweed rules of the Quran in one place. This article will help y u to learn Tajweed rules fast in one place. All Makharaj and Arabic Grammar to read Quran is included in this post for Quick learning Tajweed rules for kids and adults.

6 thoughts on “Basic tajweed Rules of the Quran: Learn Tajweed Fast and Easy”

  1. JazakAllah Freelance working Institute for doing such type of good effort.Very useful notes for learning tajweed

  2. Pingback: Learn Namaz with Tajweed Rules: Is Tajweed Obligatory in Salah? - Freelance Working Institute (FWI)

  3. Pingback: 10 Reasons Why Online Tajweed classes are better than Physical Classes? - Freelance Working Institute (FWI)

  4. Pingback: Why is it Important to Learn Tajweed for Muslims? - Freelance Working Institute (FWI)

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