Makhaaraj are the most important Tajweed lesson when you start learning Quran with Tajweed. If you want to learn all Makhaaraj at one place, here’s a quick and easy way to learn Makhraj by Free Tajweed Lesson online designed by Hasib Iftikhar. Hasib Iftikhar is online Tajweed Tutor who’s teaching Quran with Tajweed free of cost at Freelance Working Institute (FWI).
If you want to take Free Tajweed classes online, register yourself at FWI. We’ve free Tajweed course for both males and females. Here’s a point which is important to know you that, we’ve male Quran teacher for Islamic brothers and female Quran teacher for Islamic sisters.

Quick and Easy Way to Understand Makharaj in Free Tajweed Lesson Online
Here’s a brief explanation on how to pronounce all makhraj easily. After reading, you just have to practice at home or join our Free Tajweed classes to let your lesson listen by a Tajweed teacher. Please have a look all makhraj one by one!

Understand Makharaj
Makhaaraj with detailed articulation points are as follows:
ء (Hamzah):
How: Make a soft sound from your throat.
ب (Baa):
How: Press your lips together and release them to make a sound.
ت (Taa):
How: Touch the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth.
ث (Thaa):
How: Like “Taa” but with more air.
ج (Jeem):
How: Like “Taa” but with a bit of a throaty sound.
ح (Haa):
How: Make a breathy sound from your throat.
خ (Khaa):
How: Like “Haa” but stronger.
د (Daal):
How: Touch your tongue lightly to the roof of your mouth.
ذ (Dhaal):
How: Like “Daal” but with more air.
ر (Raa):
How: Curl the tip of your tongue up towards the roof of your mouth.
ز (Zaal):
How: Like “Daal” but with the tongue further back.
س (Seen):
How: Like “Taa” but with your tongue touching the roof of your mouth.
ش (Sheen):
How: Like “Seen” but with more air.
ص (Saad):
How: Like “Taa” but with pressure and air.
ض (Daad):
How: Like “Saad” but with more air.
ط (Taa):
How: Like “Daad” but with your tongue further back.
ظ (Zhaa):
How: Like “Taa” but further back and with more air.
ع (‘Ain):
How: Make a sound from deep in your throat.
غ (Ghayn):
How: Like “‘Ain” but stronger.
ف (Fa):
How: Press your lower lip against your upper teeth and release to make a sound.
ق (Qaaf):
How: Touch the back of your tongue to the roof of your mouth and push air out.
ك (Kaaf):
How: Like “Qaaf” but with your tongue slightly forward.
ل (Laam):
How: Touch the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth.
م (Meem):
How: Press your lips together and release to make a sound.
ن (Noon):
How: Touch the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth.
ه (Haa):
How: Exhale slightly with a relaxed throat.
و (Waaw):
How: Round your lips and release to make a sound.
ي (Yaa):
How: Raise the middle of your tongue towards the roof of your mouth without touching it.

Final Words
We hope that you’ve got the better understanding of all Makharj and their articulation points. The only thing that you need is to practice a lot and ask any Tajweed teacher to listen your Practiced Recitation.
If you don’t have access to any female Quran teacher, you can join FWI Free Tajweed Course online in which both male and female Quran tutor teach, listen and guide Quran Recitation online. May Allah help you to improve your Quran pronunciation.