Would you like to boost your sales on Amazon? Amazon has allowed sellers to upload product videos while Amazon listing creation. So, Creating an engaging Amazon Product video and uploading it to the listing is the best way to increase your conversion rate for that product.
Including a product, video is a game-changing innovation that will offer your product an edge over competitive products on Amazon. 90% of buyers indicate that watching videos helps them decide what and why to purchase the product. As a result, exchange rates with product videos are 80% higher on Amazon.

Now the question arises which type of video would stand you out from the Amazon crowd? As there are more than 70,000 Amazon sellers who are using video features in their product listings. To compete with them, you must create a video that captivates viewers and turns them into buyers.
So, How to create the best Amazon Product video to convert your visitors into customers? The answer to all of your queries lies within this article. Here, you’ll know the ultimate guide, practices, tips & tricks, and do’s and don’ts about creating an engaging Video for Amazon Product listing. Let’s commence!
What are Amazon Product Videos?
An interactive video explicitly created to bring your product to action is an Amazon product video.

You can describe various features and uses of your product in a video, including graphics, animation, sound, music, texts, and other styles, etc. A product video on Amazon highlights to customers what makes your product stand out from the competition. It might assist them in providing answers to queries like
> How exactly does a product work?
> Do they require it?
> What advantages does it offer?
In addition, they can view the product in its myriad forms based on the extent to which it captivates them.
Types of Amazon Product Video
What type of video will you choose to create for your product listing? It’s up to you! We will mention different types of Product Videos that you can choose for your Amazon listing creation.
✓ Product Highlights Video
In this type of Product video, you can highlight a number of the perks and functions that come with your products in the video. By creating a product’s highlight video, you can promote goods like jewellery, home appliances, skincare kits, or even furniture.
Moreover, You can include a decent demonstration of the product, as well as people using it, and a voiceover that describes the product’s benefits in this video. Here are the steps involved in making a video highlighting a product:
> Use a white background since it will draw more attention to your product.
> Include text to focus further on the product’s characteristics in 360 videos.
> To reduce this to its most basic elements, highlight your product’s characteristics so that it serves as the primary focus of your video.
Whether this explainer video can provide viewers with an overview of your product is deemed unique or compelling.
✓ Lifestyle Product Video
A lifestyle Product video describes your goods and gently conveys a storyline about your business. Such videos are becoming increasingly popular and encourage your audience to buy products satisfactorily. For example, just glancing at such videos for kitchen utensils gives you a sharp image of yourself in the kitchen preparing delectable food.
When customers make purchases online, they do not see the product until after it has been delivered to their homes. Consequently, the only method for them to get a sense of the product is to watch a video of it being utilized. This video will give them an idea of how they will appreciate the outcome.
The following are some questions that should be answered by your lifestyles amazon product video best practices for prospective consumers:
> What type of life will they be able to lead as a result of using your goods?
> Whether your product is a good match for the way they live their lives.
> What is the most significant problem that it resolves for them?
Do you want to demonstrate how targeted customers are putting your product to use for them? In this situation, you might collaborate with other creators or even use the tools you already have to present your viewers with the most accurate picture possible.
✓ Customer experience product video
Naturally, we rely on affirmation and social evidence when purchasing any online product. If you are a vendor on Amazon, having a product video of a satisfied client can serve as customer testimonials for the development and business.
Undoubtedly, customers appreciate it simply because they can witness everyday individuals similar to themselves using the product. Such videos demonstrate to customers that the goods and the brand are genuine. You might say it’s like killing two birds with one stone.
To create a customer experience video, you will typically ask one of your customers to review your product in a video. In this way, You will have the opportunity to demonstrate the product in such a natural way that the audience will feel like they are a part of the video.
✓ Demo / Unboxing video
Unboxing product videos are videos in which people share their experiences of unwrapping a product while themselves doing it. One factor contributing to its meteoric popularity is that ordinary people produce it.
A research study by Google revealed that twenty per cent of customers watched an unboxing video before making a buy decision. However, they are most commonly seen in playthings and electrical devices, but they can apply to every product type. For creating, you will have to follow interesting unboxing Amazon product guidelines.
> Make sure your customers can quickly notice your products by positioning them appropriately.
> Make your unique video by yourself.
> It must be storytelling.
As a brand for Amazon, it helps you retain your customers and generate a favourable impression on those customers.
✓ Product Comparison video
You may demonstrate to other people what makes your product unique through this persuasive product video creation. For example, you can explain the various qualities of a Bamboo Towel and discuss how it is distinct from other types of towels. But there are also certain limitations in that you cannot state a competitor’s name in a comparison video.
You can also produce a “before and after” video or compare your product to your competitors’ products. You should know the differences between your clients’ personalities before and after using your product.
Do Product Videos Increase Sales on Amazon?
Here’s the main gist! Why should you use Amazon Product videos while listing products? Let me lift the veil from the benefits of using product videos while Amazon listing creation. Research has demonstrated that including videos in Amazon product listings can raise exchange rates by 55%. This is because videos are interesting, which causes visitors to stay on a page for a longer.
In addition, product video also has the potential to instill a sense of confidence in the buyer. Even ninety percent of buyers believe that watching videos helps them make more intelligent selections about the products they want.
How do product videos increase sales?
Product videos on Amazon include a brief overview of the product, instructions on how to utilize it, information about the brand, comments from previous customers, and other extras. Such videos increase the value of the product but also the awareness of your brand on Amazon.
Uploading Videos about products is an excellent source for Amazon sellers to use in their product marketing strategies. It’s because they enable the seller to concentrate solely on the prominent features of the product without being sidetracked by the prospective purchaser. Using a high-quality product video to affect a customer’s buying decisions will always be the easiest and most effective approach for your product promotion.
How Do You Structure A Product Video?
Start by outlining and scripting your product video flow using the Seed & Lead technique, the Smile and Hold plan, and the Speak-Show-Spell strategy to create a product video that people will watch since it provides a lot of value.
Keep Reading an easy-to-follow guide to discover how to create the best Amazon Product Video for your product promotion.
Phase 1: Outline the Sequence of Events in Your Video Script
Creating a script is the first step in producing an excellent product video for your brand. You can develop video content to market it and engage the audience you want to get in front of it by following the framework that will explain here.
✓ Script/Outline

The script for a product video is critical to the overall success of the video since it outlines the methodical split of the product’s features and determines the path the story will take.
Before writing your video script, you must watch some amazon product video examples on youtube about that product to get a basic idea. Video script covers:
> A summary of your product
> Emphasize the customer’s problem
> How your product addresses the issue, with an emphasis on the benefits
> A call to action (to insist they buy)
> Publicize some of your more well-known customers
Try to keep it brief and add comedy to make it exciting and engaging. Keep the wording straightforward and uncomplicated. Softwares available to create attractive outlines include Trelby, WriterDuet, Celtx Speak, etc. In addition, you can also hire a script writer to get an engaging Amazon product video script.
✓ Present an Intriguing and Captivating Introduction
The introduction constitutes the initial stage of the pre-production process. It should persuade customers that they have arrived at the correct location. Realize that you will assist them with the issue that prompted people to click on the product video in the first place.
At the beginning of your video, you must ensure that you speak in the same language as your audience. Address the problem directly as it relates to the topic that your video will be presenting. Tell your audience something you’ve heard them saying or anything they find particularly aggravating.
✓ Speak a call to action.
Always start with the final goal in mind once you’re creating the best Amazon product videos for marketing. You need to guide the audience toward the next relevant video by determining where their interests lay and what their weak points are. Explain to them how you’ll assist them with your guide and become their primary resource by explaining this.
Phase 2: Recording shots That Are Easily Editable

When you start Amazon listing creation, you should ensure that such videos have a consistent flow. Lowering one’s head or looking at one’s notes while speaking is one of the things that can disrupt the flow of the conversation. While editing, it will be more difficult to synchronize the cuts and enhance the video’s flow.
My solution to this problem is the “smile and hold” method. You only have to put on a happy face, maintain that smile, and then provide your helpful suggestion or point. When you are finished talking, flash a smile and keep that smile for two to three seconds. You may get an odd sensation while you are performing it. Nevertheless, it will make perfect sense when you reach the editing step.
Phase 3: Edit and Upload an Interactive Video
However, editing videos is the next phase. To assist you in editing your product video, the following are some helpful tips for you:
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✓ Voiceover

The tone, feel, and narrative approach that is conveyed in a video are all managed by the voiceover. A skilled voiceover artist may make the video resonate with the viewer and keep them interested until the end.
> Dedicate proper time to reading the script.
> Clarity is of the utmost importance. So, ensure that every word is pronounced correctly.
> Be aware of which language and tone would be most effective.
> Ensure that the feelings conveyed in the speech are consistent with your brand’s voice.
If you can’t make a suitable voiceover, Hire a creative person for the voiceover. Renting a soundproof studio is the best option for making your recordings. Try to avoid making concessions in terms of the audio quality. Maintain copies of the recorded audio. Softwares available for voiceover include Voices.com, Craigslist, Fiverr, etc.
✓ Speak, Show, and Spell
When it refers to the editing process, using the “speak-show-spell” strategy can help you convince people to continue watching for extended periods. When you speak something during the Amazon Products video, it will appear on the screen and might even be written out for you. By using this strategy, you will be able to retain more of your viewers and keep more people watching.
✓ Remove useless stuff in the video.

Making sure your video gets “To the Point” quickly and efficiently is one of the most critical aspects of the Best product video. Many advertisers need to present all of their qualities. At this point, I advise them to “Cut the fluff.” For this, many Amazon product video makers are available on Google for free use.
Remove anything that isn’t pertinent to the problem that your audience is having and the purpose they clicked upon the video in the first place. When you accomplish this, you’ll notice that the performance of your videos is significantly improved.
✓ Inform People to Buy Your Other Stuff (Seed & Lead)
The seed and Lead techniques mean converting your viewers into Leads. Lead generation will help you promote your other products instead of specific ones.
Start your video by saying, “In this video, I’ll be offering you an overview of how to use this product.” I also provide a comprehensive guide to getting started quickly that you can use to get going even more rapidly. It can be helpful for you to acquire customers, get people to sign up for your mailing list, or purchase your product or services if you let viewers know that you have something else to offer far beyond the content of this video.
✓ Listen to the Music
You should also think about the music in the post-production stage. Is it difficult to concentrate? Very loud? Ensure that the background music playing behind you is acceptable as you talk. Remember:
> Figure out what genre of music would be appropriate for the video to stick to your target audience watching till the end.
> Always have a few backup solutions available that are royalty-free
> Conduct experiments using the A/B testing method
Avoid using too many different sound effects. Check that the music does not drown out the voiceover on YouTube. Read over the legal contract for the audio file. Maintain a few backup options that do not require royalties. Some Software available for best sound or background music includes Free Sound from MusOpen, Audio Rainforest, and Audacity.
✓ Watch and Publish
Finally, watch the full video as a customer, or you can also ask others to watch the final video and give suggestions to improve the video’s sound or quality. After getting satisfied completely, you can upload this video while Amazon listing creation.
How to upload product videos while Amazon listing creation?
You can follow this simple and easy method to publish your product video on Amazon listing.
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> Sign in to your Amazon Seller account.
> After coming to the dashboard page, click on inventory, and you’ll see a further sub-menu.
> Scroll dropdown and choose “Upload & Manage Videos.”
> After getting the “Upload Video Button, “select your product video file from your device.
> After this, you must enter the title and ASIN related to your product video there.
> Select an attractive thumbnail for that product video.
> Now, submit it and wait for video approval by Amazon. Reviewing videos by Amazon will take at least one week or above. After getting support, you can see the video status as “Live.” And it will appear on the Amazon listing within two days.
Phase 4: Analysis

Investing time in an analytics platform to analyze and update your video on Amazon listing creation regularly to maximize its effectiveness and boost the ROI would be best. For this,
> Regularly measure viewer engagement with the video.
> Make adjustments to understand better what is effective.
> Consider using multiple testing.
> You can also use software like Wistia, Analytics provided by Google and Insight into YouTube.
> And Record the information on the relevant Excel sheets to enhance participation.
When choosing any agency to create an Amazon Product video for youtube, there are a few things you should have in mind:
> Examine the client’s previous work to get a sense of their creativity and level of aesthetics.
> Explore each of their customer’s history or reviews.
> Interaction and adaptability are two crucial aspects to consider.
> Conduct research and get a good understanding of the cost.
> Get an understanding of the degree of personalization they can offer.
> Get an understanding of their processes and time duration.
What Should A Product Video Include?
When you are creating your product video, it is essential to keep the following rules in mind:
✓ The video must have high quality.
✓ Keep the introduction brief to catch your viewer’s interest within a few seconds.
✓ Ask questions about what problems your product will solve. Mention the customer’s problem and describe their solution with your product in an insisting way.
✓ Keep your product video “short and To the point” to avoid boredom for your viewers.
✓ Try to create amazon product video copyright free with a free tool like iMovie etc.
✓ Making it straightforward for an efficient experience is essential if you’re using voiceover.
✓ It is essential that the whole video would be in English or in a language that the targeted audience can easily understand.
✓ The person uploading Amazon product ideas must be the brand or product owner.
✓ All claims made regarding the product ought to be based on fact.
✓ Each Statement needs to be confirmed by proof.
✓ If you’re going to make any comparison, you must have proper research and accurate information.
× The video should not include any pricing, details about promotions, statements about discounts, or other momentary material.
× You are not allowed to display any “prohibited” products like alcohol.
× The video must not contain any words considered malicious or offensive.
× Don’t include such content that could be termed divisive, offensive, or sexually explicit.
× There should be no claim regarding health or medicine.
× It is not allowed to navigate customers away from Amazon’s page in any way through the video.
× Don’t include any contact information.
× It must not violate the rights to the intellectual property of a third party in any way.
× Refrain from mentioning the competitor’s name or brand while comparing any two products.
× You mustn’t publish fake customer feedback/reviews or other fake information.
How Long Should the Product Video Be?
Note that the length of your product video is among the most critical elements in determining whether or not viewers will engage with it, regardless of how excellent your video is. It is recommended that the length of your video must be short. Videos that are shorter in length always have a greater chance of being watched & shared than lengthier videos. You can try different sizes of videos for the video while Amazon listing creation.
✓ 30 sec to min video
Such videos are most likely to be watched, but they only allow a little time to get your point across to the audience. In case you want to convey only one notion or message and get it seen by the most number of people feasible, you can create a promotional video for about thirty seconds to one minute long.
✓ 1 to 3 minutes video
Such videos are part of the communication process in which you can afford to take a little extra time. The video length should be between one and three minutes if you want to convey a more comprehensive message while still holding your audience’s attention throughout the entire product video on Amazon. Videos providing an overview of a product often last approximately this long.
✓ 3 to 5 minutes
A video uploaded to YouTube should be at most four minutes long; nonetheless, it is essential to remember that most of the most successful videos on YouTube are music videos. Developing an exciting and creative product video three minutes long is feasible, but doing so can be challenging and frequently unneeded.
How much Should A Product Video Cost?
Amazon Product video cost depends upon the duration of the video. Here are all prices for amazon video production according to video duration. Have a look, please!
✓ 30 seconds Video cost
The price for a video of 30 seconds in length is approximately $1,500 to $2,500. Amazon Product video costs depend on several aspects, including graphics, voiceover, audio, animations, and additional features. In addition, the scale of the project, as well as the deadlines, might have an impact on the cost.
✓ 60 second or 1-minute video cost
The typical length of a product video is sixty seconds, and its production cost can range anywhere from $1,000 to $5,000 on average, depending on the aesthetic, effects, difficulty, and significance of the video creation service.
✓ 3 minutes video cost
A created 2 to 3-minute video might cost $2,000 – $7,000 on aggregate, depending on the quality and time it will take to complete.
✓ 5 minutes video cost
If you create the best Amazon Product video with 5 minutes length, it will cost approximately $10,000 to $15,000.
Undoubtedly, Amazon product videos impart an immensely influential effect on customer experience and help Amazon sellers to boost conversion rates. Stop faffing around and get out of the competitive crowd by creating a captivating and engaging Video by following our guidelines mentioned above in this article. At last, this guide on how to make amazon product videos will help you a lot. To appreciate us, make sure to share this guide with others. :).