What is the future of Freelance writing career in 2025?

As we know, content Writing skills have a lot of demand. Freelancing market, Nowadays. Average monthly salary of a content writer lies between 420100 pkr and 650100 Pkr. According to stat, we can visualise that this skill has a lot of scope and demand in the freelancing market. But here’s a question! Either will it be increased or decreased in 2025? Let’s discuss the future of freelance writing career  next year! 

Will AI replace content writers?

This is a common myth that robots or AI written content will replace a lot of content writers and leave them unemployed. But in fact, whatever we use chatGPT, or other Artificial intelligence tools for writing content, they don’t give natural human written touch in content. Plus, AI written content has following side effects on future of freelance writing career: 

  1. There’ll be grammatical errors in AI written content.
  2. Content will not be updated.
  3. Content may be paraphrased or spinned content which will not let your audience to know unique or new information from your site.
  4. Old content can let your site rank down.
  5. It will not include all points that you want to tell your audience about a specific topic.
  6. Keywords adjustment will vary according to your site. It may cause you to compete with your own site pages.
  7. It may have plagiarism in content.
  8. Google algorithm asked people to take assistance through AI in searching information about a topic. If you’ll copy and paste totally AI written content. It may create problems.
  9. AI written content may have complex vocabulary that will affect the readability score of your article.
  10. Content will not be properly optimized as your site needs. 

According to the above points, we come to the conclusion that it would be better to write content by humans which will add fluency, emotions, latest updates and natural opinions while writing the content. If you have bulk content to be written, you can obviously use an AI tool but always read and make some changes in that before uploading on your site. 

Is AI written content acceptable by client?.

Usually clients asked some freelance writers to use ChatGPT or AI tools for researching information through different resources. When clients use ChatGPT, they’ll get different ideas and layouts to create unique content. 


But the main point is that successful content writers use AI tools just for getting ideas. They don’t rely on it instead, they create unique content naturally human written. And it would obviously help them to save the future of freelance writing career in upcoming years.

If you want to become a successful content writer, you can use ChatGPT or AI tools for researching content from multiple sites, or getting an idea of headings or subheadings, but you must create your own creative content and write naturally to take your profession out of the crowd. 


Will content writers become Jobless in 2025?

This is a myth nowadays about the future of Freelance writing career, but not at all! According to research, google algorithm ranks human written content fast as compared to AI written content. Although Google didn’t cause a penalty on AI written content at that time, it may lower the rank of that article, even website. As a result, it may destroy the future of your freelance writing career. 

Does FWI provide Tajweed certificates (Ijazah) to students?

Most experts suggest creating natural human written content for your website and freelance writing career. It would only be possible with freelance writers. So, content writers don’t need to worry about a freelance writing career in 2025. They should put more effort into learning more and more to improve their writing skills.

To improve your content writing skills, you can join a Content Writing Course online in Urdu by Freelance Working Institute (FWI). This course includes all tips and tricks to grow a freelance writing career among the freelancing market. Join us and register yourself at FWI. 

What's the expected future of freelance writing career in 2025?

Although the freelance writing career is not dying, rather it’s evolving day by day. Content Writing is not limited to blogs or web content now. As social media is evolving it needs more content for its growth.

For example, B2B content writing, email writing, social media posts content, description and YouTube scripts writing etc. If you want to evolve your content writing career, you should expand your skills and knowledge. As a result, it would be helpful for you to grow your freelance writing career. 

Are freelance writers still in demand in 2024?

Currently, there are millions of freelance writing jobs posted daily on different freelancing platforms like Fiverr, Upwork and others. It’s estimated that there’s still a need for professional content writers for clients to rank their articles or blogs over google on the first page.

Even some clients hire freelance writers for social media content for longtime. You just have good communication skills and stay sincere with your work. Your freelance writing career will never die. Keep Progressing! 

What kind of content writing is most in demand in 2025?

Here’s a list of types of content writing fields in which you must be an expert if you really want success in a freelance writing career. Have a look at the most demanding and popular content writing types! 

1. Branding Copywriting 

2. Blog post Content Writing 

3. Affiliate Article Writing 

4. Website Copywriting 

5. Direct Response Content Writing 

6. Email Copywriting 

7. Automated Message Content Writing 

8. Social Media Content Writing 

9. Paid Ads Copywriting 

How soon will AI replace freelance writers?

Final Words

As AI robots are continuously getting better and better than before. Improvement in technology is an alarming alert for all freelance writers but not for those who’ve confidence in their improvised writing skills. Keep learning and improving your content writing skills according to developing technology in Artificial intelligence. As a result, you’ll never be replaced by AI. Because human written content is more effective than AI generated content. 

To sum up, AI tools are getting improved day by day, it’s an alarming message for freelance writers. But still, we believe that AI tools can’t replace professional human written content. If you want to let your freelance writing career evolve as compared to dying, you should keep learning the latest and updated content writing skills according to the development of AI technology. 

If you’re improving yourself day by day with increasing technology growth, no ChatGPT or AI tool can replace you ever. Plus, you can also join the FWI content writing course to make your content writing effective and take your freelance writing job to the highest rank. Stay focused and hardworking. Best of Luck for your future! 🙂 

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